Story Time at Juniata County Library

Winter 2025 Storytime Session: January 27 - March 7

Preschool Story Time

For children ages 3 - 5.
Mondays at 10:00 am
Stories, songs, rhymes, flannel-board activities, crafts, and fun!

Toddler Story Time and Playgroup

For children ages 18 mos. through 2 yrs.
Fridays at 10:00 am
20-30 minutes of stories, songs, rhymes, flannel-board activities, and movement, followed by 30 minutes of playtime!

Register for 2025 story time programs here:

*As always, parents or guardians are encouraged to stay and participate in our story time programs. Siblings, younger or older, are also welcome to attend if they do not distract from the program.

*To ensure that we provide enough craft supplies, please register your child. But don't worry, this doesn't commit you to attend every week and drop-ins are always welcome!

We have a family group on Facebook! We currently share family activities, library program information, and other fun local children's activities.

Join the library family group here:

Saturday Programs

Join us one Saturday per month for a fun drop-in family program!

January 11  |  10:30 - 11:30 am
Juniata County Dairy Ambassadors will be here with a story, game, and snack


Homeschool Hangout

Homeschooling families can join us on the first Thursday of the month for fun and educational programs hosted by the library!

January 9 - Note the date change for this month!

Library skills with Director Vince Giordano.


School Visits

We will be happy to visit any Juniata County school, daycare facility, or Head Start class. We can provide story times, songs, crafts, book talks, and more. We can also arrange for your students to tour the library as well as give talks on how to use the library to its full potential.

Discovery Space Children's Science Museum

The Discovery Space Children's Science Museum has made a pass available for free to families wishing to visit the museum. You can check out the pass for 1 week and it is good for 2 adults and the children in that household. For more information about the museum visit

Click here to request to borrow the museum pass. Note: a valid library card is required to borrow the museum pass. Click here to get a free library card.

The museum pass can be checked out at the front desk.