Can't find an item?
If you can’t find it in our catalog, we’ll try to get it for you!
Please fill out the below request form to request an InterLibrary Loan. If you would like to suggest our library purchase an item for our collection, please complete the suggest a purchase form.
Patrons may request as many ILL items as they want, but can only have up to 3 ILL items checked out at any given time.
New titles will be purchased when appropriate for the collection according to our collection development policy. Otherwise, we will attempt to borrow the item from other libraries outside of our library via InterLibrary Loan.*
*Members are permitted to have a maximum of two active requests. Requests are reviewed daily. We will contact you when the item is ready for pickup.
Please contact with any questions about InterLibrary Loan!
Juniata County Library Interlibrary Loan Policy
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. The library user initiates the ILL process. ILL services shall not be a substitute for adequate local collections or utilized in place of a collection development policy devised to satisfy the needs of the population served by the Juniata County Library.
The purpose of ILL is twofold:
1) To obtain, as requested by a library patron, materials that are not available at the Juniata County Library, and
To share materials available
at the Juniata County Library with other libraries
for their patrons.
A. Rules and Procedures for Patrons
1. Patron Eligibility
ILL is a service available to all patrons of state-funded libraries throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ILL is a privilege, not a right.
To be eligible to use ILL services at the Juniata County Library, a library user must:
⮚ Have an active Juniata County Library card with current contact information
⮚ Have a Juniata County Library card in good standing (no overdue charges or fees)
2. Scope
Many types of library materials may be requested through ILL. However, Juniata County Library will not request materials that fall into the following categories:
● Titles published within the last twelve (12) months;
● Multiple copies of the same title (does not apply to local book clubs);
● Titles owned by the Juniata County Library (unless long overdue or missing/lost);
● Whole issues or volumes of periodicals and journals;
● Locally-specific materials (e.g., local history materials);
● Genealogical materials;
● Rare and archival materials
3. Requirements
● The Juniata County Library limits cardholders to no more than three (3) interlibrary loans checked out on a card at a given time;
● Patrons who request large numbers of ILL materials may be asked to place requests incrementally;
● ILL requests may be submitted online (preferred) or in person using the ILL Request Form;
● ILL requests for materials not owned by the library may be considered for purchase instead of ILL;
● Juniata County Library will pursue all possible avenues to fulfill ILL requests;
● Requestors will be notified by phone or email if requested materials are unavailable.
● Juniata County Library will notify the patron if there is a fee to obtain an ILL request (eg: cost to print copies of a document.)
4. Patron Responsibilities
● ILL materials must be picked up within seven (7) days of notification.
● ILL materials are to be returned to the Juniata County Library by or on the due date listed on the provided bookmark. A seven (7) day grace period is allowed for ILL materials.
● ILL privileges may be suspended for repeated damage to ILL materials.*
● ILL materials must be returned to Juniata County Library.
*Juniata County Library will consider these
requests on a case-by-case basis.
5. Fees, Billing, and Collection
● [1] The Juniata County Library will not charge patrons to borrow DVDs through ILL.[2]
● ILL materials not picked up after seven (7) days will be returned to the lending library. If another ILL request is made and it is also not picked up after seven (7) days, a $3 fee will be charged to the patron account.
● Any item returned seven (7) days late will not accrue a fine. Patrons are encouraged to return ILL materials on time.
● ILL materials may be renewed at the discretion of the lending library. Renewal requests must be received ten (10) days before the due date. [3]
B. Lending to other Pennsylvania Libraries
1. Scope
The Juniata County Library will loan materials that fall into the following categories:
● Books;
● DVDs;
● Audiobooks on CD;
● Music CDs;
● Periodicals
The Juniata County Library will not loan the following materials:
● Titles published or added to the Juniata County Library’s integrated library system (ILS) within the last twelve (12) months;
● Titles in recurring demand*;
● Whole issues or volumes of periodicals and journals;
● Locally-specific materials, e.g., local history materials*;
● Genealogical materials*;
● Rare and archival materials*
*Juniata County Library will consider these requests on a case-by-case basis.
2. Method of Request
The Juniata County Library accepts requests electronically from AccessPA (preferred) or via an ALA form by mail. The Juniata County Library will make every effort to respond to requests within three (3) days.
3. Delivery
The Juniata County Library ships materials weekly via IDS and USPS at no cost to the borrower. If a “need by date” is notated on the request, the material will be shipped to ensure fulfillment by the desired date.
4. Duration of Loan and Renewals
Initial loan periods are five (5) weeks, with a renewal period of three (3) weeks. However, if the item on loan is on hold for our patron, the renewal will be denied.
Whenever possible, The Juniata County Library will fulfill requests for extended time beyond the standard loan period for materials on loan for book clubs and discussion groups.
5. Fees, Billing, and Collection
The borrowing library is responsible for fees associated with lost or damaged materials on loan from the Juniata County Library. The Juniata County Library does not charge overdue fees (fines) on ILL materials. The cost of the item, as noted on our ILS, plus a $5.00 processing fee, will be charged to the borrowing library.
An invoice will be provided to the borrowing library by mail, email, or both. Payment is expected within 30 days. The borrowing library may retain the damaged item.
Contact Information
Juniata County Library
Attn: Interlibrary Loan
498 Jefferson Street
Mifflintown, PA 17059
Phone: 717 436-6378
AccessPA Library Code: PJUCL
IDS #: 140
6. Copyright Compliance
The Juniata County Library will not accept ILL requests that
do not comply with the Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S. Code) and its accompanying
guidelines as issued by the National Commission on New Technological Uses of
Copyrighted Works.
C. Confidentiality of Interlibrary Loan Requests
The Pennsylvania Library Code [The Library Code of 1961 (P.L. 324), 24 P.S. § 4101 et seq.] provides for the confidentiality of patron user records including interlibrary loan transactions.
The Juniata County Library retains a minimum of interlibrary loan paperwork to ensure that user privacy is safeguarded. Records necessary for copyright and statistical purposes are exceptions.
D. Policy Development
This policy has been developed following the principles set forth within:
Pennsylvania Interlibrary Loan Guidelines, 2019
Pennsylvania Interlibrary Loan Procedures Manual, 2011
American Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, 2016