Get a Library Card or Update Your Current Card
To get your first library card, simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to renew your card, you may complete the below form and select Yes to the first question.
You may also renew your card in person at the library or call us at 717.436.6378.
If you have a library card, we would love to get your feedback! Please complete our brief 3 question survey by clicking here.

JCL Borrowing Policies
Here are the rules to follow, so everyone gets a chance to borrow the goods!
Length of checkouts:
- Check out library books, audiobooks, and music for three weeks. 50 total items may be checked out. Overdue fee is $0.25 per item, per day.
- Check out DVD's and video games for three weeks. Limit 10 per family. Overdue fee is $1 per new item, per day, or 0.25 cents per older item, per day.
- If a hold has been placed (by another library member) on the title you have borrowed/rented, then it cannot be renewed and should be returned by your due date.
- eBooks and eAudio titles from Overdrive can be checked out for 1-3 weeks. Limit 10 per card. They can be returned early and if you forget to return them, they will return themselves automatically once they are due. There are no fines with Overdrive.
For your Convenience:
- You may place up to 5 holds on any physical library materials.
- You may place up to 10 holds on digital items. Click here to learn more about how to download eBooks and eAudio books.
- Items can be renewed online, via phone, or at the library in-person.
- Incurred fees may be paid at the library. We accept cash, check, and all major credit/debit cards.
- Lost library cards may be replaced for a $1 fee.
- Your card is considered active for a one-year period. After that time passes, your card will not be valid and able to borrow items or use Overdrive. If you have an email address associated with your library account, we send a courtesy reminder a month before your card is set to expire. Simply fill out that form, call us, or stop in and we will renew your card.
If you have items that are overdue, you will need to return or renew them, and have your fines under $5 prior to checking out additional items.
In the event of lost items, patrons must pay for the item replacement and a $5 processing fee.
Maximum fine accrual is $5, after which checkout privileges are limited.