Public Computers

Free Public Computer & Internet Access
The Library has 7 public computers that can be used for free to access the internet, use Microsoft Office, and much more. All computers run the latest version of Windows 10 or 11 and have Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Office 2016.
Public computer and internet access is provided as a free service. Visitors from out of town may use the internet during their visit to the library. In fairness to all our patrons, we have set limits on the length of time individuals may use this service. We will allow you a minimum of one hour per day during busy periods. If there is not a wait to use the computers, you may continue to use the computer for as long as you need.
Computers automatically shut off 15 minutes before the library closes. All downloaded content is deleted daily. Please back up your files before leaving.
Juniata County Library staff will be available to answer questions and assist; however, we will need to assist other patrons as well, and cannot spend large amounts of time guiding you through your tasks on the computer. The library does offer one-on-one tech appointments. Click here to learn more.
Free Wi-Fi Access
The library offers free Wi-Fi access. Connect to the "Juniata Library Wi-Fi" network. Once connected, you will be prompted through a pop-up window to accept the terms of use. No password is required.
Charging outlets are located throughout the building, next to chairs, and under tables.
The following ethical standards must be adhered to while using the library's internet:
-No copyrighted material may be copied.
-Users must not do anything which will impede the use of the internet by others or cause damage to library equipment and/or software. Users will be liable for repair or replacement costs.
-The library does what it can to keep our computer equipment virus-free; however, we cannot be responsible for any viruses that may be transmitted via internet files.
-Users may not turn equipment on or off, change settings on the computer or load personal programs onto the computer.
Do you still need to use a computer or Wi-Fi after the library closes? Borrow a Chromebook or a mobile hotspot! Learn more.